Webinar 3 - Final Project Results

13/03/2025 | 12:00
12:00-13:30 CET  |  11:00-12:30 GMT


The EverLoNG project aims to encourage the uptake of Onboard Carbon Capture (OCC) by demonstrating its use on board LNG-fuelled ships and moving it closer to market readiness.

This hybrid webinar will be hosted by MAN Energy Solutions in Augsburg, Germany, for project partners, and is available online to the public. The webinar will feature presentations from project partners discussing final project results and outcomes from the different work packages.

This webinar will be recorded. The recording will be made available on the project website.

Agenda (subject to change)

Chair: Marco Linders, EverLoNG Project Lead (TNO)

Introduction to EverLoNG - Marco Linders, EverLoNG Project Lead (TNO)
WP1 : Demonstrating onboard carbon capture - Juliana Monteiro. Jasper Ros (TNO)
WP2 : Onboard carbon capture in the full CCUS chain - Anette Mathisen (SINTEF)
WP3 : Impact of OCC on ship infrastructure - Joan van den Akker (Conoship)
WP4 : Environmental impact & techno-economic aspects - Lavinia Reitz (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
WP5 : Regulatory frameworks - Erik Vroegrijk (Lloyds Register)
What next for EverLoNG, OCC and concluding remarks - Marco Linders, EverLoNG Project Lead (TNO)

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