
The GHGT-17 Conference will take place between the 20-24 October 2024, in Calgary, Canada. The EverLoNG project had four abstracts accepted and will be represented at the conference with the following:

Oral Presentations

  • Ship-based carbon capture – port infrastructure and implementation roadmap. 
    Ragnhild Skagestad, Anette Mathisen, Kristian L. Aas, Sumudu Karunarathne.
  • Conceptual design of ship-based carbon capture (SBCC) technology on-board of an LNG fuelled large crane vessel and LNG carrier.
    Abhishek Subramani, Jasper Ros, Joan van der Akker, Cees Dijkhuizen, Eric Pelard, Johannes Lauterbach, Pranav Bagdiya, Marco Linders, Juliana Monteiro.



  • EverLoNG: Demonstration of ship-based CO2 capture (SBCC). 
    Juliana Garcia Moretz-Sohn Monteiro, Abhishek Subramani, Jasper Ros, Rutger Zurhorst, Frank Sanders, Eric Pelard, Leyla Teberikler, Cees Dijkhuizen, René Veldman, Claire Yang, Prashant Sharan, Marco Linders.
  • Life Cycle Assessment of Ship-based Carbon Capture: An Environmentally Sustainable Measure to Reduce CO2 Emissions in Shipping? 
    Lavinia Reitz, Jasper Ros, Anette Mathisen, Abhishek Subramani, Ragnhild Skagestad, Gabrielle Farrell, Megan Hellendall, Babul Patel, Prashant Sharan, Petra Zapp.


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