Webinar 1: EverLoNG ship-based carbon capture project updates
10:00-11:00 BST | 11:00-12:00 CEST
EverLoNG is seeking to develop ship-based carbon capture as a means of decarbonising ship transport. In this webinar we heard from the EverLoNG work packages about the work they have done on the project to date and what’s coming up next.
Chair: Marco Linders, TNO
- 11.00 Welcome & housekeeping
- 11.05 WP1: Juliana Monteiro, TNO – EverLoNG’s SBCC prototype
- 11.15 WP2: Ragnhild Skagestad, SINTEF– Ports and interoperability
- 11.25 WP3: Joan van den Akker, Conoship– Onboard integration
- 11.35 WP4: Lavinia Reitz, FZ Jülich– Lifecycle analysis of SBCC
- 11.40 WP5: Erik Vroegrijk, Lloyd's Register– Can we do it? Yes we can!
- 11.50 Q&A
- 12.00 End